If you hunt a lot you have probably been in several different hunting camps. For me, a lot of the enjoyment of hunting is the camp itself, the people you hunt with.
I have been hunting with the same group of guys for over 20 years now. We have had new people come and go, but for some reason the same core group of people seem to stick together. I don’t know why this is. Maybe it is the way we all razz each other without anyone taking offense? Maybe it is because we all chip in when we are in camp? Maybe even because when we are in the woods and one of us has been fortunate enough to take an animal, our group starts materializing out of the woods to help each other out? I do know this: the people that I hunt with are some of the best hearted, good spirited, and most fun people that I could ever hope to hunt with.
This is one of the reasons that I cherish my elk hunting trips so much. It’s a time for friends to get together and enjoy each others’ company, share stories and basically rib the heck out of one another. For me, having enjoyable people in camp is essential to the overall satisfaction to the trip. You may not always be able to harvest animals, but at least at the end of the day or trip, you can look back and laugh at some of the things that happened and at the memories that will last a lifetime. Like that time that Gary tried to hammer the 2’ long piece of wood into the 20†deep stove at 2 am. After a while of that, Dad hollered “Gary, I think I have a bigger hammer in the truck if you think that would help?†and the tent erupted into laughter.