Archive for the ‘population control’ Category

Rocky Mountain National Park makes an expensive decision

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

Well it looks like the National Park Service has determined to cull the elk herd in Rocky Mountain National Park. The only problem is that is going to cost almost six million dollars to do it! Instead of allowing hunters to purchase licenses and make money for the National Park system, they are going to use their seemingly inexhaustible amount of revenue to pay for it.  So the next time you hear about the National Parks having trouble coming up with funds to maintain their operations, just remember that when they had the option to make money or spend money, they decided to spend it! It is just another example of how being “Politically Correct” has cost them more money.

Do you want to hunt in Rocky Mountain National Park?

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

Whooohooo! For those of you who hunt in Colorado – the days of driving through Rocky Mountain National Park ooing and awing at all of the trophy elk and deer might be over.  You might actually get a chance to hunt in such a mecca – or at least your dream just got one step closer to becoming a reality. Today I read that they might turn RMNP into a wilderness area with the help of a few congressmen and women and a bill that they are submitting to congress! The details are still not clear on what this means to sportsmen and women, but it is one step closer to allowing hunters a chance to hunt in a pristine and controlled environment. At the same time it would help the park control an already over-populated herd of elk.

Keep your fingers crossed! I will keep you informed of the outcome.

Prairie Dogs: What happens when people interfere with population controls

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

I believe that hunting is a proven way to maintain a healthy population of animals in today’s society.  And when I say hunting I mean all types: waterfowl, big game, and rodents. When I read or hear of diseases popping up or spreading, like I heard about the plague here in Colorado today, it raises some serious concerns about the health and well being of the environment and its residents.  We are supposed to be managing those areas!  In Colorado the tree huggers (as I call them) were able to lobby and get the prairie dog protected on public land here. In areas with high populations of people such as the Peoples Republic of Boulder, the cities and counties started buying up parcels of land known around here as open space to create buffers in-between cities. Well as you can guess as with any piece of property in the west that is unused and not managed properly, it becomes infested with prairie dogs. If you have never seen what damage a prairie dog colony can do to a piece of farmland you would be amazed. On an adjoining piece of property to the one that I have permission to hunt geese on, the previous owner had a fondness for the rodents and did nothing to control them. When the new owners of that 50 acre parcel decided that it was time to claim back the property from the prairie dogs, they hired a company to come in and kill the little critters. They charged 2 dollars a hole, 2700 holes later and a truckload of money they were able to get them under control. Now that was just on 50 acres! Could you imagine what the damage would be on a half section or even a quarter section of land? Also, a friend of mine who works for the Longmont parks and recreation office was put in charge of a study to find out how much it would cost to relocate these disease carrying rodents because it would be against the law to poison them. He contacted a government certified agency to get the quote. Now hold on to your seat, because you are just not going to believe this! It was almost $400 dollars per animal. To relocate a town of 100 animals that would be $40000.00 of tax payer money – to get rid of a disease carrying nuisance that if properly managed and exterminated would cost a fraction of the money. But now, because we have let people that have no clue about game management dictate how a species should be saved, I read that some of our parks are being closed because these same little rodents that we have allowed to overpopulate and destroy property now have the plague and are a danger to our pets, children and us! When are people going to figure out that to manage a species, you can’t just let them run wild, you actually have to have a plan and manage them.

Photo by Kevin Saff .